Sunday, April 18, 2010

Crafty Supermarket Pics

What a great weekend! We had so much fun at the Crafty Supermarket this weekend. Great to see so many people out enjoying handmade lovelies. Here are a few images of our booth. Thank you to everyone who came out!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hurry, Scurry, Crafty Supermarket this weekend!

Clocks being assembled. How nice they look with hands!!

New display!!

My favorite clock

Yes, as you can imagine, are in a furry of activity getting ready for the fair this weekend! My clocks are assembled, a new display has been created (almost done) and a few last minuet snaps of fresh work. We could not be more excited about the Supermarket! Hope to see ya'll there...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fresh Ceramics

Here are a few quick studio shots as things emerge from the kiln. More clocks, pie tins and a spring view from the studio window. we can't wait for the Crafty Supermarket next weekend!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Exciting News!

Hello friends,
We, at See:parsley are so happy to announce that we have been chosen for the Crafty Supermarket showcase in Cincinnati Magazine!! We are delighted to be at the craft fair on April 17th and really excited to be in this lovely, glossy magazine...

Come and see us on the 17th, but meanwhile, here is the page from the magazine and images of our latest work.